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Blast Chiller & Freezer
Blast Chiller & Freezer
Blast Chiller & Freezer
Blast Chiller & Freezer
Blast Chiller & Freezer
Blast Chiller & Freezer
Blast Chiller & Freezer
Blast Chiller & Freezer
Blast Chiller & Freezer
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Blast Chiller & Freezer

-40℃~+5℃,Solid Door,Plug In,Multi-Deck,Upright Freezer

The emergency freezer is the best system available for preserving food in a natural way
AOCHI has developed the emergency freezer range from its extensive experience in refrigeration systems
It is designed to enhance and improve the quality and management of kitchens, confectionery, bakeries and ice cream parlors
The powerful multi-attack performance and reliability make the emergency freezer a distinctive feature, which significantly improves our work and gives us enough time to create

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Blast Chiller & Freezer
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